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Flowerhorn Health Care: with Bacta (bacteria) and Clear (parasites, worms)

Flowerhorn Health Care

Bacta 100 ml

Bacta is an Anti-Biotic medication. It can be used in all kind of fishes: Flowerhorn,Gold fish, koi, Beta, discus and small fishes like Guppy, gourami, tetra, etc..

Bacta will prevent bacteria infection such as Pop eye, Duck lip, Fin rot, wound and abscess. Moreover Bacta can be used for quarantine fish.

Usage, for infected fish: 1 cap per 50 liters You can also separate the sick fish and add 5 drops of Bacta per liter of water in case of small fishes like betta or guppy. In case of large fish increase the dose. Use Bacta one time per day for 7 to 14 days (daily water changed are advised).

Clear (15 capsules)

Clear is a vital necessity for all fish hobbyist: it saves lives!

Not only does this marvelous product rid your prized fish of White poop (caused by internal parasites) which can cause death to the fish, it also does a wonderful job of de-worming them as well.

Every time you get in a new fish no matter where it came they are quarantined in there own tank for 2 weeks immediately use CLEAR to clean there system of parasites and worms whether they show signs of having them or not (Quarantine tanks do not use substrate like gravel ect. this is very important).

For the next two weeks, I observe the fish closely for signs of illness. and feed only as much as they can eat in two minutes, twice daily. Test the water daily and perform the necessary water changes as needed. If you spot any illnesses within its quarantine time. Everyone in the fish hobby should have a few quarantine tanks on hand and ready for cases such as bringing home a new fish, treatment for a sick fish etc.

Usage: The drugs consist of yellow and white capsules. Mix the drugs with water and inject the Clear solution entering the fish mouth. Consumption: Less than 10 cms: 1 yellow capsule, 1 white capsules and 1 cc water. 10 cms or bigger: 2 yellow capsules, 2 white capsules and 2 cc water. The five consecutive days during the administration of the drug should change the water daily about 30-50% and remove waste/feces too. At 6th day try to feeds the fish. When the feces color change is normal, medication can be stopped.

Caution: Do not use water volume more than recommended. The drug must be injected slowly, since it can knock the fish stomach.

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