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Grand Sumo Imitation Food | How to tell the original from a fake

Grand Sumo Review

Grand Sumo Review
Grand Sumo Review
1.Original Grand Sumo with neat shrink wrapped seal on top of the bottle. Original Grand Sumo with open seal at the bottom of the bottle.
Grand Sumo Review
Imitation with open seal on top of the bottle.
Grand Sumo Review
Low quality plastic seal can be seen at the bottom of the bottle.
2. The Grand Sumo Red is now with new formula.
3. The label is laminated and the color of the label is brighter.
Grand Sumo Review
4. There is a hologram sticker on the shrink-wrapper for each of the original Grand Sumo products.
5. There should be only ONE web address on the bottle which shows:
Please visit us at : www.grandsumo.com
Grand Sumo Review
The imitation of Grand Sumo Red from China printed with web address of www.yamei.cnfish.com.
6. Barcode for all the sizes are different.